what is a vpn ? and why do you need it ?
what is a vpn and why do you need it and
why exactly this is the first thing you should consider having to ensure your network security interested continue watching let's start with the first part what is a vpn vpn a virtual private network allows you to create a secure connection to another network or the internet in very simple terms a vpn connects your pc smartphone or tablet to another computer called a server somewhere on the internet and allows you to browse the internet using that computer's internet connection so if that server is in a different country it will appear as if you're coming from that country and you can potentially access things that you couldn't normally now any vpn operates using vpn protocols now what in the world are vpn protocols vpn protocols are the methods by which your pc connects to the vpn server some protocols are better for speed in for network security and some simply work better under certain network conditions if that makes sense now popular vpn protocols in use as of today includes openvpn ikea v2 lt2p ipsec pptp wireguard ssdp and others and different vpn providers use different vpn protocols which makes them better for one purpose or another depending on your particular situation by the way if you're interested in my top choice of best vpn providers on the web i'll put links to those in the description box below they are one of the best vpn providers on the web that provides top rate quality now how exactly does vpn help you and why do you need vpn great question you can use vpn to access region restricted websites like netflix and hulu watch streaming tvs in other countries shop online while abroadshield your browsing activities when on public wi-fi's and thus protect yourself
from hacking use local versions of
different websites avoid detection while researching the competition checking the results of your marketing campaigns if you are an internet marketer save money on airline and not only airline tickets access geo-restricted social media pretend that you're home while you're traveling and so on wouldn't you be excited to use public wi-fi's and rest assured that you won't get hacked no big surprise these days vpns are
really popular but not for the reasons they were originally created for they were originally created to connect business networks securely over the internet or to allow you to access business network from home actually vpns are still widely used for this initial purpose mostly in a tea industry this leads me to the types of vpns out there and the first one the one you would be most interested in is commercial vpns a commercial vpn is also called personal vpns or consumer vpns is a private service offered directly to individuals usually for a fee in other terms commercial vpns cater directly to the privacy needs of their customers you can find some of the examples of those commercial vpns in the description box below the second type of vpn i have already mentioned and that is a corporate vpn a corporate vpn also called a business vpn allows employees remote employees to access their company's networks while working from home as if they were physically present in the office unlike the commercial vpns business or corporate vpns are geared at providing security to the data of the company and not necessarily to individual who cares they are not there to protect your privacy but rather the privacy of your company now the third type of vpn is self setup vpn some tech experts and some diy hobbies choose to use their own vpns using their own vpn equipment that is not only for individuals but also for the companies who choose to establish their own vpn connection self-setup vpns however do not provide the protection of shared ip addresses server locations in multiple countries or other features that are widely enjoyed by users of commercial vpns you most probably would want to use commercial vpns because a they have a lot of features that other vpns don't be you don't have to be a tech person to set it up and c they're extremely easy to use now that we have talked about what a vpn is and why you might need it in your business or personal life we will talk in details how exactly does a vpn work and we'll do so in our next episode so make sure to subscribe and hit the allow icon to not miss that new coming episode smash the like button if you liked the post i'd appreciate that and see you really soon in our next episodes now keep yourself safe online see you soon bye you