5 Easy tips to maximize online security as you surf the internet

5 Easy tips to maximize online security as you surf the internet..

5 Easy tips to maximize online security as you surf the internet

 what are the best ways to protect

yourself online in the age of easy to

access social media Wi-Fi everywhere you

go and hundreds of free services on the

Internet .
5 Easy tips to maximize online security as you surf the internet
it's more important than ever to make sure that you're taking steps towards securing your data and identity online over the next couple minutes I'm going to share with you five simple things that you can and then should do today to protect yourself on the Internet thanks for joining me my name is shoaib today we're looking at five things you can do right now to vastly increase your security and privacy online some of these might seem obvious but you'll be surprised at how flippin most people are about securing their most valuable asset their identity ..

No . 1 Choose A Strong Password

5 Easy tips to maximize online security as you surf the internet

So let's dive in number

one choose a great password not a good

password a great password a great

password uses capital letters numbers

symbols and at least eight characters as

an example one of my favorite tricks is

to use a short phrase or a song to

create a password such as let's say it's

the bitsy spider in this case I'll

exchange the letter I for an exclamation

point and the letter s for the number

five so it looks like this the itsy

bitsy spider climbed up the water spout

it's easy for me to remember but it's

impossible to guess and it uses capital

letters numbers and a symbol of course

you can also use password manager

programs to provide secure passwords

either way choose a great password .

No . 2 Keep Software and App Up-to-Date

5 Easy tips to maximize online security as you surf the internet

number two to keep all your software and apps up to date I know it may seem annoying how often Microsoft Google and Apple ask you to update software and apps but there's usually a very good reason many times the security weakness has been found and they patch it up by not upgrading you're leaving yourself unnecessarily vulnerable to a known security issue ..

No . 3 Use A Vpn

5 Easy tips to maximize online security as you surf the internet

number three use a VPN

most people don't realize that when they

connect to a public Wi-Fi network such

as a coffee shop an airport a shopping

center etc any data they transmit can be

intercepted it's surprisingly easy the

best thing that you can do is to encrypt

your public network connect

using a virtual private network or VPN

if you're not sure what a VPN is click

up here to learn more personally I never

connect to a Wi-Fi network without

encrypting my connection using a VPN


No . 4 Check Your Social Media Security Settings

5 Easy tips to maximize online security as you surf the internet

number four check the privacy
settings on all your social media for

you and your family whether it's

Facebook Instagram Twitter you name it

there are always little ways that you

can secure who can see what on your

social media most of the time you'll

find this under privacy or security in

the settings now mind you even the

strictest privacy settings can't protect

you from foolishly sharing too much

information online that is on you but

you can and should control who can see

your social media posts..

No . 5 Monitor You Banks Accounts

5 Easy tips to maximize online security as you surf the internet

 number five
monitor your bank accounts it used to be

that people would reconcile their

accounts at the end of the month a time

during which errors and fraudulent

charges could easily be spotted nowadays

we have way too much faith and

confidence in the security measures set

up by banks and credit cards and we

rarely ever reconcile our accounts just

last month I spotted three fraudulent

charges on my wife's credit card that

weren't caught by the card company she

hadn't lost her card so we still have no

idea how the thief got her information

and if we had just set up automatic bill

payments without checking the charges we

would have ended up paying a couple

under a couple hundred extra dollars

that we didn't have to monitor your bank

they make mistakes believe it or not and

their security measures aren't perfect

No . 6 Use Common Sense

5 Easy tips to maximize online security as you surf the internet

finally and most importantly number six

use common sense don't give out your

social security number unless absolutely


such as with banks or let's say an

apartment management company that needs

to run a background check on you set up

a password to log in to all of your

devices including your iPhone or your

iPad set up two-factor authentication if

it's an option these are all small

things that they add up to become a

stronger online defense for you and your

family sure it's a priority for

companies like Apple and Microsoft to

keep you secure while using their

devices and their software but in the

end your security and privacy online

depends mostly on you don't take that

for granted take

just to secure yourself today thanks for


we've got more great posts about

security online that you can find here

and before you leave don't forget to

give this post a thumbs up I always

welcome constructive feedback in the

comment section below

thanks and take care .

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